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Why I Spill My Heart Out in Cyberspace: The Untold Story of My Blogging Journey

So I was talking to my dear friend on the phone and she was laughing at me regarding my blogging at my age. I couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to her laughter. Why do I blog, anyways? At times it feels like a chore, but other times it's an outlet for my thoughts and feelings. It's a way for me to connect with others and share my experiences. It's a form of creative expression that allows me to explore my passions and interests. But is that enough reason to continue? I decided to delve deeper into this question and figure out the real reason behind my desire to blog.

People blog for a myriad of reasons - to share their passions, experiences, or opinions, to build a community, to make money, to establish themselves as experts in a certain field, or simply for the love of writing. But personally, what motivates me to blog is the emotional and mental release it provides.

Blogging is my escape from the monotony of everyday life but ofcourse at first, I was hesitant. What would people think of me? Would anyone even read my words? But the more I wrote, the more I realized how therapeutic it was. It was as if every post I published was a tiny piece of my heart that I was sharing with the world. I can let my creativity and emotions flow freely without any fear of judgment or scrutiny. It's a place where I can put down my thoughts and feelings in black and white and give them the form they deserve.

From an emotional standpoint, blogging is highly therapeutic. It allows me to channel my thoughts and emotions into a structured form, which in turn helps me make sense of them. Whenever I'm feeling lost or anxious, writing helps me untangle the mess in my head, and seeing my thoughts materialize into words brings me a sense of clarity and peace.

As for the financial aspect, it depends on the individual's goals. While some bloggers have turned their passion into a full-time career and are making a decent living from it, others simply use their blog as a platform to promote their work or business, or as a way to supplement their income.

Regardless of the financial returns, the joy of blogging comes from the act of creation itself. It's a way of expressing ourselves, connecting with others, and leaving a mark on the world. Whether it's through our words, photos, or videos, blogging is a way of sharing our unique perspective with the world and contributing to the larger conversation

So is it worth the time to blog every day? As with any creative pursuit, the answer is subjective. For me, it's an essential part of my self-care routine, and the joy and satisfaction I get from it outweigh any concerns about time or money. But ultimately, whether you choose to blog daily or once a month, it's the act of creating and sharing that matters most, and that is what gives personal joy and fulfillment.

Therefore as I continue down this path, I know there will be challenges and triumphs, but I'm ready to face them head-on. Because at the end of the day, my blog isn't just a platform for my words - it's a reflection of who I am.

Dear reader, I am curious, would you like to start your own blog? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. Thank you! 😊

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Mother H.
Mother H.
01 juin 2023

😍blogging more than just words on the screen

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