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This Thanksgiving: Embracing Gratitude in a Changed World

As Thanksgiving of 2023 beckons, there’s no denying that life over the past couple of years has given us much to contemplate and understand about the things that truly matter. While every Thanksgiving we take the time to appreciate our blessings, this year seems to hold a different depth and dimension to it, all owing to the trying times we've collectively weathered.

While it may be challenging to muster up feelings of thankfulness when the world still seems shrouded in uncertainty, I've found that it’s all the more important now to focus on the little joys, personal victories, and everything that has made life, well, liveable!

As I sat down with a hot cup of coffee in my home this evening, watching the gentle late-November sun retreat behind a wooden trees in the distance, I reflected on what I am grateful for this Thanksgiving 2023, and thought it apt to share this with you. So, here goes:

1. The Power of Human Resilience:

Despite a daunting past year, our human spirit, marked by resilience, strength and unity, is one thing I’m incredibly grateful for. Every one of us had a choice to buckle under pressure or adapt, evolve, and emerge stronger - and I'm so thankful to see so many people around me choosing the latter.

2. Essential Workers:

The unsung heroes of these times, who work day and night to ensure we can carry on with our lives - the doctors, nurses, first responders, delivery people, and so many others - deserve all our gratitude and so much more.

3. Embracing Change:

Over this period, we have been pulled out of our comfort zones, forced to change and adapt. While challenging, it was an incredible opportunity to learn and grow, to find new ways to connect, work, learn, and live.

4. Health:

The past couple of years have reiterated the age-old wisdom - health indeed is wealth. I am grateful to have made it through another year, to have experienced recovery when I was down, and for the privilege to enjoy my meals, afternoon tennis and night rowing to get a good night's sleep.

5. Relationships:

Times of crisis often deepen our relationships and strengthen our bonds. They force us to strip away pretenses and connect with others on a fundamental level. Whether it was cheering for frontline workers or participating in online cooking classes with my child halfway across the country the rekindled human connection made the situation a tad more bearable.

6. Time:

Slowing down has given me a newfound appreciation for the gift of time. I’ve learned to relish simple pleasures – taking walks in nature, learning to cook Filipino’s favorite recipe, or merely enjoying the beauty of the dawn.

As we approach Thanksgiving 2023, I encourage everyone to take a moment to count their blessings, however big or small. And remember, we are still here, still going strong, still evolving and still hopeful - if that's not something to be grateful for, I don't know what is.

Stay strong, and have a meaningful, heartfelt Thanksgiving this year!

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