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  • Writer's pictureJoy

Meet my Bun Coco

Having a pet is not just a one-way relationship of unconditional love and endless snuggles, it's also a beautiful journey of trust, understanding and personal growth.

For me, my pet rabbit has become a part of my family and I couldn’t be more grateful. I received her as a 10 week old gift and the love I feel for her grows each day. I quickly realised how trainable she is and it wasn’t long before I had trained her to chew only her toys and boxes, use her potty, and be comfortable around strangers. Her trust in us means she is secure both inside and outside the home and it brings me joy to watch her run free outdoors.

This bond between us has changed me and allowed me to develop both personally and emotionally. Our relationship continues to thrive, with me showering her with all the love and attention I can provide, and she continues to be an integral part of our family.

If you’re considering adopting a pet, please don’t think twice! I have come to realise that having a pet is not just an unconditional one-way relationship but also a beautiful journey of trust and understanding, one that I wouldn’t have missed out on for the world.

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