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Bermuda: where crystal clear waters and pink sand beaches meet

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

As soon as we landed in Bermuda, my excitement was at an all-time high. I had heard so much about this beautiful place and I was thrilled to finally be there.

We immediately got our Uber and started exploring the city. Our first stop was at a Filipino restaurant and the food was just amazing. It was as if we had transported ourselves back to the Philippines.

As we walked around the city, I was struck by the small but beautiful island that we were on. The colors of the houses were vibrant and there was an air of happiness in the atmosphere.

When it was raining, we decided to take a break and head to a cozy little coffee shop. We sipped on some hot coffee and indulged in some scrumptious treats while we waited for the rain to stop.

Our next adventure took us to the beautiful Horseshoe Bay, clear blue water and pristine pink sands were a sight to behold. We soaked up the sun, went swimming, and just basked in the natural beauty around us.

All in all, our trip to Bermuda was one for the books. The beautiful island, the delicious food, the cozy coffee shops, and the stunning beaches were just a few of the highlights. I can't wait to go back and explore even more of this wonderful place.

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